Monday, April 7, 2008

Power Corrupts by Kayla J.

In the book Macbeth, the character Macbeth is corrupted by power. He starts out as a good guy and a war hero, but throughout the story he becomes corrupted and kills constantly because the witches said he would rule. His first victim is the king, then his best friend, then women and children. Macbeth is never satisfied and is only able to be slain by Macduff.

In the beginning of Macbeth, Macbeth is a solider and he fights his hardest for the king. While on his way to see the king, some witches tell him that he will soon be king. “Hail Macbeth who will be king later on” (1.3.52)! This is what starts his psycho killing spree. First he kills the king, but he blames somebody else, so he would be able to be king himself. After the king died, he did become king, but was constantly worried about his life. He had to keep going to the witches to see what his future would be. “I command you by the black arts that you follow; however you came to learn them, to answer me. Even if you unleash the winds and let them storm against the churches; even if foamy waves destroy and sink ships; even if ripe wheat is flattened and trees blown down; even if castles fall on the head of those who live in them; even if the tops of palaces and pyramids are leveled to their bases; even if the precious seeds of all uncreated things tumble together until destruction itself grows sick of its work, answer the questions I ask you”(4.1.51-62).

Macbeth became so worried about his best friend, Banquo, that he got some murderers to kill Banquo and his son. “You both know that Banquo is your enemy” (3.1.124-125).This also affected his mind, because Banquo was his best friend. After that he went to the witches again to find out more about his future. They told him not to worry about anyone but Macduff, and that he would fail when the woods moved towards his castle.

Macduff knew about what Macbeth had done, and he had a plan to kill him. Macduff went to get help from Malcolm and they used branches from the forest to make weapons. “Let every soldier cut down a bough and carry it in front of him. That way, we will hide the size of our army, and Macbeth’s lookouts will give incorrect reports of us” (5.4.6-9). They came to the castle and Macduff and Macbeth began fighting. Macbeth was confident because the witches said he wouldn’t be defeated by any man born by a woman, but Macduff was taking from his mother’s womb. “Lose hope for your charmed life, and let the demon you’ve been serving tell you that Macduff was prematurely ripped from his mother’s womb” (5.8.17-20). In the end, Macduff wins and Macbeth dies.

Macbeth relies so much on what the witches say that he is blind to what is really going on. The power that he had received had corrupted Macbeth. He killed and continue to kill until he was finally killed him self. This shows that power does corrupt people and even a good man with too much power can become an evil man.


Anonymous said...

1.the thesis of this essay is that macbeth is corrupted by the power he gets. the thesis is clear and consise. the theis does engage me.
2.hail macbeth who will be king later on. that quote stood out to me because i think that made him kill.
3.the choice of quotations is what this essay stands out.
4.the essay could have more words.

Anonymous said...

The thesis of this essay to me was that power currupts macbeth. a really good example in here about that told macbeth that he was doomed because macduff was prematurely ripped from his mother's womb. the essay projects the message of how the witches' prediction made macbeth think he had power abd how it destroyed him.There really isn't anything i would suggest... GREAT ESSAYYY :]

Anonymous said...

i thought it was well written

Anonymous said...

this essay focused on macbeths power and how it corrupted him. it seems like its a little vague on how power really corrupted him.

the quote in that is macbeth talking to the murderers is the best qoute to me because it shows how willing he is to keep that power.

this essay has a good introductory paragraph its set up well and explains the topic well.

the essay could have had a stronger focus towards the thesis.

Anonymous said...

I. i really like kayla's thesis because not only is it to the point but it gives us a really good feel about who macbeth is.

II. “You both know that Banquo is your enemy” this is a really good quote that she uses because it was really effective in Macbeth's life.

III. it really describes what is going on throughout the book with macbeth's life and shows how he slowly turns on everyone good and even the ones that love him.

IV. that she is awesome and that shw needs to do worse? haha [:

Anonymous said...

i thought your thesis was great b/c it gave good feed back on who macbeth really is and how he acts.
"let every soldier cut down a boughand carry it in front of him" this quote was excellent b/c it tells that macbeth is trying his best at fighting this war.
over all report the essay was excellent.